SEO Multilang - Documentation - Settings

Automatic sending of the visitor, at the first visit, to the main language (Region) of the store, if he does not have a "language" cookie (at the same time, this pattern does not affect indexing by search engines in any way, Because there are no definitions of search engine bots and there are no redirects 301)
Added option-setting according to the law of Ukraine (including setting and adaptation) (+11.00 USD)
The algorithm is as follows:
If the user logged in for the first time, redirect him (not to be confused with a redirect) to the main language (Ukrainian)
If the user has not logged in for the first time, but the example is from a search engine, and if he does not get to the main language, redirect him to the same page of the main language
If the user decided to change the language (via the language switch) - automatic redirection will no longer work. But if the user "again" switches the language to the main one, then this redirection algorithm will work if the user gets to the store on a page that is not the main language.
Even if the index of the page without the prefix of the Russian language is now in the index of search engines (PS)
Everything will be according to the law
We make Ukrainian with the prefix / ua/... (prefix ua as an example, maybe / uk/..., etc.) (all pages of the ru language without the prefix will be saved in the index of search engines (PS))
If the user logged in for the first time, redirect him anyway (not to be confused with the redirect) to the main language (Ukrainian) is /ua (for the main page) or /ua/...(depending on the page where he got to))
If the user did not log in for the first time, but for example from a search engine (PS), and did not get into the main language (the language of ru (without prefix) and not the main Ukrainian / ua/... he had) - redirect him to the same page of the main language /ua/... (which was selected by the user)
If the user decided to change the language (via the language switch, for example from Ukrainian / ua/... to the language without the prefix ru) - automatic redirection will no longer act (because the user decided so). But if the user "again " switches the language to the main Ukrainian / ua/... - then this redirection algorithm will work, if the user got into the store on a page of a non-main language (in Russian), redirect him to the main Ukrainian /ua/ ...
That is, everything according to the Law, and the pages in the index will be saved without reindexing

Description of the module

Correct language URLs with language prefixes,
all language pages are indexed correctly (which opencart, assemblies and similar modules do not have),
support for the hreflang meta tag,
language meta tags for the main page,
removes index.php?route=common / home for the main page, multi-store support,
allows you to create a multi-store in subfolders,
manages regions including cities,
shortcodes are linked to languages, regions, multi-stores,
does not change the system code of files, works with all the SEO of the CNC shaper (seo_pro, seo_url, seoblog, or even when the CNC is turned off, the module "doesn't care" who forms the CNC there, he will do his job anyway, and you don't have to think to edit seo_url, or seo_pro, or someone else will come up with something, the module will still create the correct URL for the language, according to the seo requirements). And so the module outputs the correct sitemaps, etc.

Solves the problem of CNC for pagination, the problem is that when paginating in opencart title, description are the same (by default in opencart and assemblies) and the same type of products in the list, then the PS may think that this is a duplicate page, which is very negative for seo, and thanks to the module - this cannot be, that is the module prevents duplicates of pages during pagination by adding a new title and description of a secondary page other than the "main page of the category, so as not to omit it in the search results.
Replaces the parameter of the first pagination page with a URL without a parameter
The module implements the correct SEO pagination of the form and so on
. With the change of the title and description of the HTML document depending on the language, that is, for example, "Computers - page 2" (Russian), "Computers - page 2" (English). Also now there is no link to the first page (/en/desctops / page-1) is replaced by /en/desctops/)
Even without turning on the CNC pagination works and looks like for example

The module allows and has the functionality

- the module does not replace system files
- the module does not use ioncube
- easy installation and upgrade
- all language pages are indexed correctly (which opencart, assemblies and similar modules do not have)
- different SEO URLs for different languages (using language prefixes or subdomains)
- different SEO URLs for different regions (including cities)
- shortcodes are linked to languages, regions, multi-stores
- switching the currency associated with the language, region
- support for the hreflang meta tag
- disabling category descriptions on additional pagination pages (opencart 2. x only)
- correct SEO pagination (for example of the form )
- correct NC in the language switch, for each language, region (even if the NC is different)
- auto adapter for the topic
- developed support for multi-stores
- flexible relationship with any functionality and widget modules of the SEO CMS platform
- compatible with any theme, any modules that meet the programming standards and requirements of opencart
- custom css code directly to the admin. parts of the module
- support for any sitemap modules (by adding a prefix to the map URL to the store)

The ability to

- full indexing of store pages for different languages, different regions (including cities)
- CNC pagination
- hreflang
- various meta tags of the main page, for different languages, different regions (including cities)
- support for sitemap modules

What module is better than others

- correct indexing of language and regional pages by search engines
- unique technology of adding prefixes (languages, regions, cities) and changing the CNC pagination
- the module does not patch (by means of vqmod or ocmod) CNC shapers (seo_url, seo_pro, etc.)
- the module works with any CNC shaper (seo_url.php , seo_pro.php and any other)